1. TRAILER KAZOO_151219 Elvis Tyler Moore 5:38
  2. ANVIL MEATLOAF_M-S_070721 Elvis Tyler Moore 3:25
  3. CORNDOG JOYSTICK_090421 Elvis Tyler Moore 4:24
  4. ROBOT WAFFLES_031119 Elvis Tyler Moore 3:10
  5. EARTHWORM DONUT_281219 Elvis Tyler Moore 5:03

Produced by brilliantfish

vocals, trailer, meatloaf, corndog, waffles: Elvis Tyler Moore
drum machines, synthesizers, anvils, joystick, robot, earthworm: brilliantfish
bg vox: Frank Patrick, sweet T, STEPH, brilliantfish
snaps, claps: sweet T, brilliantfish


King of the Howling Wolf Ducks

Artist : Elvis Tyler Moore
Genres : Blues, VEB (various electronic bits)
Format : Digital Download

This is essentially a blues album… without guitars.